Tuesday, August 5, 2008

the spider song

I was looking for more blues, but this is just a sort of soft jazz thing. Funny and not funny, comfy and creepy at the same time. I think it should be performed with just a bass in the background, but since I don't have a bass, I'll see what I can do with a guitar later.

they may perform a public service
but spiders always make me nervous
eight legs to cling, four fangs to sink in
I have to wonder what they’re thinking

businesslike, not really vicious
spiders think that I’m delicious

when I’m in the shower, wet and naked
they’ll smell my blood and come to take it
just up above and right behind me
oh tell me, love, how do they find me

they used up one of their eight wishes
spiders think that I’m delicious

when I am in my bed and sleeping
across my skin a spider’s creeping
leaves trails of bite marks up my arm
like picture postcards sent back home

a tourist spot, yeah that’s what this is
spiders think that I’m delicious

I look into your eyes and wonder
what new disguise the spider’s under
will I be sorry that I faced you
or will I start to need to taste you

a spider’s kiss, it never misses
spiders think that I’m delicious


Julie Hedeen said...

Crystal! A bass would be good, but first squash the spider. Then sing about him! Maybe you could squash the spider WITH the bass! I am coming up for the wedding in 2 weeks!

In Crystal's Skull said...

Yes, the squashing part really helps make me less nervous. Must be some complicated cause-and-effect thing going on there.

Neato! When do you arrive? I'm going to be rendezvousing at Mom's house before we all trek over to weddingplace, so maybe we will see each other in a non-formal situation also.

Kristen said...

At least we are bigger than they are. The most disturbing part of the Lord of the Rings or was it the Hobbit, was the giant spider. Yuck-o.

Julie Hedeen said...

Nonformal! That's what I do best! I "told" Amber we would be staying at their house next weekend. She said, "Oh, ok. How many are coming?" I said, "Oh, a random number of people!" Why should I give them opportunities to be prepared? Oh, and by the way, we might be starving or we might have been eating all the way there. Laura and Mike are coming and might stay at Martie's or he has an aunt in the area too. Gee, I wonder if I told Karen? I'd better get back to work now.

Amber E said...

Looking forward to seeing various and random peopel! Kris, you are so right, that spider in LOTR gave me the shivers. I'm not claustrophobic, I just don't like caves with spiders, it's more specific.
Well I went grocery shopping so we have food. It may or may not be ready when people get there but it will be present.
I keep forgetting to give mom back her copy of the CD where Crystal recorded a couple of her songs. Must remember so the songs can be shared.
Love to all,